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广州市新港西路164号 中国科学院南海海洋研究所
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1992年12月至今,中国科学院南海海洋研究所工作。1995年12月被聘为助理研究员;1998年12月被聘为副研究员;2001年12月被聘为研究员;2003年4月被评为博士生导师。曾先后赴德国汉堡大学海洋研究所、香港理工大学土木工程系和美国哥伦比亚大学Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory访问。




主要从事南海环流和内波动力学的研究主持课题包括国家杰出青年科学基金1项、国家自然科学基金面上项目4项、“863”课题2项、国家科技攻关(支撑)项目专题3项、其他省部级项目4项,参加其他包括“973”在内的纵、横向课题50多项。至今在Journal of Geophysical Research等国内外主要刊物发表论文80多篇(其中被SCI收录的第一作者文章21篇),译著1部,获实用新型授权专利2项。成果获广东省科学技术一等奖1项、三等奖2项;获广东省期刊优秀作品论文三等奖1项、广东省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖1项。


1.         Cai Shuqun*, Xie Jieshuo. A propagation model for the internal solitary waves in the northern South China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2010JC006341, in press.

2.         Cai Shuqun*, He Yinghui. Association of the Sulu Sea surface circulation with the South China Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 2010, 81(4): 335-340.

3.         Cai Shuqun*, Liu Junliang, Long Xiaomin. A model study on the generation of internal tides by tidal flows over a submerged seamount in the channel. Communications in Computational Physics, 2010, 8(1):95-114.

4.         Cai Shuqun*, He Yinghui, Wang Shengan, Long Xiaomin. Seasonal upper circulation in the Sulu Sea from satellite altimetry data and a numerical model, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2009, 114, C03026.

5.         Cai Shuqun*, Long Xiaomin, Wu Renhao, Wang Shengan. Geographical and monthly variability of the first baroclinic Rossby radius of deformation in the South China Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 2008, 74(1-2): 711-720.

6.         Cai Shuqun*, Long Xiaomin, Wang Shengan. Forces and torques exerted by internal solitons in shear flows on cylindrical piles. Applied Ocean Research, 2008, 30(1): 72-77.

7.         Cai Shuqun*, He Yinghui, Long Xiaomin, Wang Shengan. Model study of the upper circulation in the Sulu Sea and its relation to the South China Sea circulation. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2008, 27(supp.): 119-128.

8.         Cai Shuqun*, Long Xiaomin, Dong Danpeng, Wang Shengan. Background current affects the internal wave structure of the northern South China Sea. Progress in Natural Science, 2008, 18(5): 585-589.

9.         Cai Shuqun*, Long Xiaomin, Wang Shengan. A model study of the summer Southeast Vietnam Offshore Current in the southern South China Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 2007, 27(18): 2357-2372.

10.     Cai Shuqun*, Long Xiaomin, Wang Shengan, Chen Rongyu. Spring upper warm water of the Nansha Islands sea area in the South China Sea and the numerical study on its dynamic mechanism. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2006, 51, (supp.Ⅱ): 38-44.

11.     Cai Shuqun*, Wang Shengan, Long Xiaomin. A simple estimation of the force exerted by internal solitons on cylindrical piles. Ocean Engineering, 2006, 33(7): 974-980.

12.     Cai Shuqun*, Long Xiaomin, Liu Hailong, Wang Shengan. Tide model evaluation under different conditions. Continental Shelf Research, 2006, 26(1): 104-112.

13.     Cai Shuqun*, Liu Hailong, Li Wei, Long Xiaomin. Application of LICOM model to the numerical study of the water exchange between the South China Sea and its adjacent oceans. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2005, 24(4): 10-19.

14.     Cai Shuqun*, Su Jilan, Long Xiaomin, Wang Shengan, Huang Qizhou. Numerical study on the summer circulation of the upper South China Sea and its establishment. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 2005, 24(1): 31-38.

15.     Cai Shuqun*, Gan Zijun, Li Chiwai, Long Xiaomin, Dong Danpeng. A reduced thermodynamic model of the formation of the Nansha Warm Water. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 2004, 23(2): 239-249.

16.     Cai Shuqun*, Huang Qizhou, Long Xiaomin. Three-dimensional numerical model study of the residual current in the South China Sea. Oceanologica Acta, 2003, 26(5-6): 597-607.

17.     Cai Shuqun*, Long Xiaomin, Gan Zijun. A method to estimate the forces exerted by internal solitons on cylindrical piles. Ocean Engineering, 2003, 30(5): 673-689.

18.     Cai Shuqun*, Su Jilan, Gan Zijun, Liu Qinyu. The numerical study of the South China Sea upper circulation characteristics and its dynamic mechanism, in winter. Continental Shelf Research, 2002, 22(15): 2247-2264.

19.     Cai Shuqun*, Long Xiaomin, Gan Zijun. A numerical study of the generation and propagation of internal solitary waves in the Luzon Strait. Oceanologica Acta, 2002, 25(2): 51-60.

20.     Cai Shuqun*, Gan Zijun, Long Xiaomin. Some characteristics and evolution of the internal soliton in the northern South China Sea. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2002, 47(1): 21-26.

21.     Cai Shuqun*. Application of renormalization group model to the numerical simulation of tidal current in the Qiongzhou Channel. Estuarines, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2001, 53(2): 141-150.


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