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  主要从事海洋微生物的分离鉴定、活性次生代谢产物的天然发现、生物合成和结构改造等方面的研究工作,探索结构新颖、活性独特的微生物次生代谢产物的生物合成途径和所蕴藏的新颖生物合成酶反应机制及其在天然药物结构多样化方面的应用。 1)微生物天然活性物质的分离鉴定。采用微生物学和化学手段,从不同环境(主要是特殊环境的海洋生态系统,包括海底沉积物、珊瑚礁和海绵)中筛选分离特殊的微生物(主要包括放线菌和真菌),并通过发酵和活性筛选从微生物中分离和鉴定具有生物活性的小分子化合物或者大分子复合物。 2)复杂微生物次生代谢产物的生物合成研究。用分子生物学手段克隆完整的生物合成基因簇,研究生物合成途径,进行基因遗传操作(包括基因阻断、置换和重组等),用组合生物合成的手段创造“非天然”的天然化合物,筛选新的生物活性。课题组已展开了针对多种海洋微生物新型抗菌素和抗肿瘤药物的生物合成工作。 3)微生物次生代谢产物新功能酶的作用机制及其应用。用生物化学手段来进行体外研究并揭示复杂天然产物生物合成中所包含的独特酶学机制,开发这些酶(如糖基转移酶,甲基化酶,氧化还原酶等)在天然产物结构多样化方面的应用潜力。


  1)中科院学者(2008,结题优秀) 2)国家杰出青年基金获得者(2011,结题优秀) 3)第五届全国优秀科技工作者(2012) 4)科技部中青年科技创新领军人才(2014) 5)百千万工程国家级人选“有突出贡献中青年专家”(2014) 6)广东省特支计划“百千万工程领军人才”(2014) 7)中科院特聘研究员骨干人才(2015) 8)广东省特支计划“杰出人才”(南粤百杰)(2015) 9)国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才(2016) 10)国务院特殊津贴获得者(2017) 11)中国科学院“院长特别奖”导师奖(2018)

  1. Huang C,# Yang C,# Zhang W, Zhang L, De BC, Zhu Y, Jiang X, Fang C, Zhang Q, Yuan CS, Liu Hw*, and Zhang C*. Molecular Basis of Dimer Formation during the Biosynthesis of Benzofluorene-Containing Atypical Angucyclines. Nature Communications, 2018, 9 (1): 2088. 2. Zhang H, Tian X, Pu J, Zhang Q, Zhang W, Zhang C*. Tiacumicin Congeners with Improved Antibacterial Activities from a Halogenase-Inactivated Mutant. Journal of Natural Products, 2018, 81 (5): 1219–1224. 3. Lin W#, Das K#*, Degen D#, Mazumder A, Duchi D, Wang D, Ebright YW, Ebright RY, Sineva E, Gigliotti M, Mandal S, Jiang Y, Liu Y, Yin R, Zhang Z, Eng ET, Thomas D, Donadio S, Zhang H, Zhang C, Kapanidis AN, and Ebright RH*. Structural basis of transcription inhibition by fidaxomicin (lipiarmycin A3). Molecular Cell, 2018, 70(1): 60-71. 4. Chen R#, Zhang Q#, Tan B, Zheng L, Li H, Zhu Y, Zhang C*. Genome Mining and Activation of a Silent PKSNRPS Gene Cluster Direct the Production of Totopotensamides. Organic Letters, 2017, 19(20): 5697-5700. 5. Ma L, Zhang W, Zhu Y, Zhang G, Zhang H, Zhang L, Zhang Q, Yuan C, Zhang C*. Identification and Characterization of a Gene Cluster for Tryptophan Dimers in Deep Sea-DerivedStreptomycessp. SCSIO 03032. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2017, 101 (15): 6123–6136. 6. Zhang Q,# Li H,# Yu L, Sun Y, Zhu Y, Zhu H, Zhang L, Li SM, Shen Y, Tian C, Li A, Liu Hw,* Zhang C*. Characterization of the Flavoenzyme XiaK as an N-Hydroxylase and Implications in Indolosesquiterpene Diversification. Chemical Science, 2017, 8(7): 5067-5077. ("Hot off the press" in Natural Product Reports, 2017, 34 (10): 1180-1184. DOI: 10.1039C7NP90040F) 7. Jiang X, Zhang Q, Zhu Y, Nie F, Wu Z, Yang C, Zhang L, Tian X, Zhang C*. Isolation, structure elucidation and biosynthesis of benzo[b]fluorene nenestatin A from deep-sea derived Micromonospora echinospora SCSIO 04089. Tetrahedron, 2017, 73 (26): 3585–3590. (Dedicated to the Tetrahedron Young Investigator Prize Special Issue in honor of Professor Ang Li). 8. Zhang W#, Yang C#, Huang C, Zhang L, Zhang H, Zhang Q, Zhu Y, Zhang C*. Pyrazolofluostatins A-C, Pyrazole-fused Benzo[a]fluorenes from South China Sea-derived Micromonospora rosaria SCSIO N160. Organic Letters, 2017, 19 (3): 592–595. ("Hot off the press" in Natural Product Reports, 2017, 34 (4) : 338-342). 9. Saha S#, Zhang W#, Zhang G#, Zhu Y, Chen Y, Liu W, Yuan CS, Zhang Q, Zhang H, Zhang L, Zhang W, Zhang C*. Activation and Characterization of a Cryptic Gene Cluster Reveal a Cyclization Cascade for Polycyclic Tetramate Macrolactams. Chemical Science, 2017,8 (2): 1607-1612. 10. Zhu Y#, Picard Mè#, Zhang Q, Barma J, Després X, Mei X, Zhang L, Duvignaud J, Couture M, Zhu W, Shi R*, Zhang C*. Flavoenzyme CrmK-Mediated Substrate Recycling in Caerulomycin Biosynthesis. Chemical Science, 2016,7(8): 4867-4874. 11. Zhu Y#, Xu J#, Mei X#, Feng Z, Zhang L, Zhang Q, Zhang G, Zhu W*, Liu J*, Zhang C*. Biochemical and Structural Insights into the Aminotransferase CrmG in Caerulomycin Biosynthesis. ACS Chemical Biology, 2016,11 (4): 943–952. 12. Zhang H#, Saurav K#, Yu Z, Kurtán T, Mándi A, Li J, Tian X, Zhang Q, Zhang W, Zhang C*. α-Pyrones with Diverse Hydroxy Substitutions from Three Marine-Derived Nocardiopsis Strains. Journal of Natural Products, 2016, 79(6): 1610–1618. 13. Zhang G, Zhang W, Saha S, Zhang C*. Recent Advances in Discovery, Biosynthesis and Genome Mining of Medicinally Relevant Polycyclic Tetramate Macrolactams. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, 16(15):1727-1739. (invited review) 14. Yang C, Huang C, Zhang W*, Zhu Y, Zhang C*. Heterologous Expression of Fluostatin Gene Cluster Leads to a Bioactive Heterodimer. Organic Letters, 2015, 17(21): 5324-5327. ("Hot off the press" in Natural Product Reports, 2016,33(2): 122-126) 15. Zhu Y#, Zhang W#, Chen Y, Yuan CS, Zhang H, Zhang G, Ma L, Zhang Q, Tian X, Zhang S, Zhang C*. Characterization of Heronamide Biosynthesis Reveals A Tailoring Hydroxylase and Indicates Migrated Double Bonds. ChemBioChem, 2015, 16(14): 2086-2093. 16. Li H#, Sun Y#, Zhang Q, Zhu Y, Li SM, Li A, Zhang C*. Elucidating the Cyclization Cascades in Xiamycin Biosynthesis by Substrate Synthesis and Enzyme Characterizations. Organic Letters, 2015, 17(2): 306-309. ("Hot off the press" in Natural Product Reports, 2015, 32(4): 512-516) 17. Zhang G#, Zhang W#, Zhang Q, Shi T, Ma L, Zhu Y, Li S, Zhang H, Zhao YL, Shi R, Zhang C*. Mechanistic Insights Into Polycycle Formation by Reductive Cyclization in Ikarugamycin Biosynthesis. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014, 53(19): 4840-4844. (Recommended by Faculty of 1000; "Hot off the press" in Natural Product Reports, 2014, 31(9): 1083-1087). 18. Chen Y#, Zhang W#, Zhu Y*, Zhang Q, Tian X, Zhang S, Zhang C*. Elucidating Hydroxylation and Methylation Steps Tailoring Piericidin A1 Biosynthesis. Organic Letters, 2014, 16(3): 736-739. 19. Fu P#, Zhu Y#, Mei X, Wang Y, Jia H, Zhang C*, Zhu W*. Acyclic Congeners fromActinoalloteichus cyanogriseusProvide Insights into Cyclic Bipyridine Glycoside Formation. Organic Letters, 2014, 16(16): 4264-4267. 20. Zhang W, Ma L, Li S, Liu Z, Chen Y, Zhang H, Zhang G, Zhang Q, Tian X, Yuan C, Zhang S, Zhang WM, Zhang C*. Indimicins A–E, Bisindole Alkaloids from the Deep Sea-Derived Streptomyces sp. SCSIO 03032. Journal of Natural Products, 2014, 77(8): 1887-1892. (Featured as "Key Drug Discovery Article" by Global Medical Discovery) 21. Zhang W, Li S, Zhu Y, Chen YC, Chen YL, Zhang HB, Zhang G, Tian X, Pan Y, Zhang S, Zhang WM, Zhang C*. Heronamides D–F, Polyketide Macrolactams from the Deep-Sea Derived Streptomyces sp. SCSIO 03032. Journal of Natural Products, 2014, 77(2): 388–391. 22. Zhu Y, Zhang Q, Li S, Lin Q, Fu P, Zhang G, Zhang H, Shi R, Zhu W*, Zhang C*. Insights into Caerulomycin A Biosynthesis: A Two-component Monooxygenase CrmH-Catalyzed Oxime Formation. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135(50): 18750-18753. ("Hot off the press" in Natural Products Reports, 2014, 31(4): 414-418). 23. Chen R#, Zhang H#, Zhang G, Li S, Zhang G, Zhu Y, Liu J, Zhang C*. Characterizing Amosamine Biosynthesis in Amicetin Reveals AmiG as a Reversible Retaining Glycosyltransferase. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135 (33): 12152–12155. 24. Li S#, Xiao J#, Zhu Y, Zhang G, Yang C, Zhang H, Ma L, Zhang C*. Dissecting Glycosylation Steps in Lobophorin Biosynthesis Implies an Iterative Glycosyltransferase. Organic Letters, 2013, 15 (6): 1374-1377. 25. Wu Z, Li S, Li J, Chen Y, Saurav K, Zhang Q, Zhang H, Zhang W, Zhang W, Zhang S, Zhang C*. Antibacterial and Cytotoxic New Napyradiomycins from the Marine-Derived Streptomyces sp. SCSIO 10428. Marine Drugs, 2013, 11(6): 2113-2125. 26. Xiao J, Zhang Q, Zhu Y, Li S, Zhang G, Zhang H, Saurav K, Zhang C*. Characterization of the Sugar-O-Methyltransferase LobS1 in Lobophorin Biosynthesis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 97(20): 9043-9053. 27. Wu ZC, Li S, Nam SJ, Liu Z, Zhang C*. Nocardiamides A and B, Two Cyclohexapeptides from the Marine-Derived Actinomycete Nocardiopsis sp. CNX037. Journal of Natural Products, 2013, 76 (4): 694–701. 28. Zhang Q, Li S, Chen Y, Tian X, Zhang H, Zhang G, Zhu Y, Zhang S, Zhang W, Zhang C*. New Diketopiperazine Derivatives from a Deep-Sea-Derived Nocardiopsis alba SCSIO 03039. The Journal of Antibiotics, 2013, 66 (1): 31-36. 29. Li H#, Zhang Q#, Li S, Zhu Y, Zhang G, Zhang H, Tian X, Zhang S, Ju J, Zhang C*. Identification and Characterization of Xiamycin A and Oxiamycin Gene Cluster Reveals an Oxidative Cyclization Strategy Tailoring Indolosesquiterpene Biosynthesis. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134 (21): 8996-9005. 30. Zhu Y#, Fu P#, Lin Q, Zhang G, Zhang H, Li S, Ju J, Zhu W*, Zhang C*. Identification of Caerulomycin A Gene Cluster Implicates a Tailoring Amidohydrolase. Organic Letters, 2012, 14 (11): 2666-2669. ("Hot off the press" in Natural Product Reports, 2012, 29: 829-833) 31. Zhang W, Liu Z, Li S, Yang T, Zhang Q, Ma L, Tian X, Zhang H, Huang C, Zhang S, Ju J, Shen Y, Zhang C*. Spiroindimicins A–D: New Bisindole Alkaloids from a Deep-Sea Derived Actinomycete. Organic Letters, 2012, 14(13): 3364-3367. ("Hot off the press" in Natural Product Reports, 2012, 29: 1033-1037) 32. Zhang Q#, Li H#, Li S, Zhu Y, Zhang G, Zhang H, Zhang W, Shi R, Zhang C*. Carboxyl Formation from Methyl via Triple Hydroxylations by XiaM in Xiamycin A Biosynthesis. Organic Letters, 2012, 14 (24): 6142–6145. ("Hot off the press" in Natural Product Reports, 2013, 30: 485-489) 33. Zhang G#, Zhang H#, Li S, Xiao J, Zhang G, Zhu Y, Niu S, Ju J, Zhang C*. Characterization of the Amicetin Biosynthetic Gene Cluster from Streptomyces vinaceusdrappus NRRL 2363 Implicates Two Alternative Strategies for Amide Bond Formation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2012, 78(7): 2393-2401. 34. Zhang Q, Mándi A, Li S, Tian X, Zhang W, Chen Y, Zhang H, Li H, Zhang WM, Zhang S, Ju J, Kurtán T*, Zhang C*. N–N-coupled indolosesquiterpene atropo-diastereomers from a marine-derived actinomycete. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2012, 2012(27): 5256-5262. 35. Zhang W#, Liu Z#, Li S, Lu Y, Chen Y, Zhang H, Zhang G, Zhu Y, Zhang G, Zhang W, Liu J, Zhang C*. Fluostatins I-K from the South China Sea-Derived Micromonospora rosaria SCSIO N160. Journal of Natural Products, 2012, 75(11): 1937–1943. 36. Xiao Y#, Li S#, Niu S, Ma L, Zhang G, Zhang H, Zhang GY, Ju J, Zhang C*. Characterization of Tiacumicin B Biosynthetic Gene Cluster Affording Diversified Tiacumicin Analogues and Revealing a Tailoring Dihalogenase. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133 (4): 1092–1105. ("Hot off the press" in Natural Product Reports, 2011, 28: 659-662) 37. Niu S#, Hu T#, Li S, Xiao Y, Ma L, Zhang G. Zhang H, Zhang S, Yang X, Zhang C*. Characterization of a Sugar-O-methyltransferase TiaS5 Affords New Tiacumicin Analogues with Improved Antibacterial Property and Reveals Substrate Promiscuity. ChemBioChem, 2011, 12(11): 1740-1748. 38. Li S, Tian XP, Niu S, Zhang W, Chen Y, Zhang H, Zhang W, Li WJ, Zhang S, Ju J, Zhang C*. Pseudonocardians A-C, New Diazaanthraquinone Derivatives from a Deep-Sea Actinomycete Pseudonocardia sp. SCSIO 01299. Marine Drugs, 2011, 2011, 9(8): 1428-1439. 39. Niu S, Li S, Chen Y, Tian X, Zhang H, Zhang G, Zhang W, Yang X, Zhang S, Ju J, Zhang C*. Lobophorins E and F, new spirotetronate antibiotics from a South China Sea-derived Streptomyces sp. SCSIO 01127. The Journal of Antibiotics, 2011, 64(11):711-716. 40. Gong L, Xiao Y, Liu Q, Li S, Zhang C*, Liu J*. Preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of the glycosyltransferase from a marine Streptomyces species. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun., 2011, 67(1): 136-139. 41. Zhang C, Griffith BR, Fu Q, Albermann C, Fu X, Lee IK, Li L, Thorson JS*. Exploiting the Reversibility of Natural Product Glycosyltransferase-catalyzed Reactions. Science, 2006, 313(5791): 1291-1294. 42. Zhang C, Jiang J, Morreti R, Thorson JS*. The In Vitro Characterization of Polyene Glycosyltransferases AmphDI and NysDI. ChemBioChem, 2008, 9(15): 2506-2514. 43. Zhang C, Bitto E, Goff RD, Griffith BR, Albermann C, Bingman CA, Phillips Jr GN*, Thorson JS*. Biochemical and Structural Insights of the Early Glycosylation Steps in Calicheamicin Biosynthesis. Chemistry and Biology, 2008, 15(8): 842-853. 44. Zhang C, Fu Q, Albermann C, Li L, Thorson JS*. The In Vitro Characterization of the Erythronolide Mycarosyltransferase EryBV and Its Utility in Macrolide Diversification. ChemBioChem, 2007, 8(4): 385-390. 45. Zhang C, Albermann C, Fu X, Thorson JS*. The In Vitro Characterization of the Iterative Avermectin Glycosyltransferase AveBI Reveals Reaction Reversibility and Sugar Nucleotide Flexibility. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2006, 128(51): 16420-16421. 46. Zhang C, Albermann C, Fu X, Peters NR, Chisholm JD, Zhang G, Gilbert EJ, Wang PG, Van Vranken DL, Thorson JS*. RebG- and RebM-catalyzed Indolocarbazole Diversification. ChemBioChem, 2006, 7(5): 795-804. 47. Zhang C, Weller RL, Thorson JS, Rajski SR*. Natural Product Diversification Using Non-natural Cofactor Analogues of S-adenosyl-L-methionine. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2006, 128(9): 2760-2761. 48. Zhang C, Podeschwa M, Block O, Altenbach HJ, Piepersberg W, Wehmeier UF*. Identification of a 1-epi-valienol 7-kinase activity in the producer of acarbose, Actinoplanes sp. SE50110. FEBS Letters, 2003, 540(1-3): 53-57. 49. Zhang C, Podeschwa M, Altenbach HJ, Piepersberg W and Wehmeier UF*. The acarbose-biosynthetic enzyme AcbO from Actinoplanes sp. SE 50110 is a 2-epi-5-epi-valiolone-7-phosphate 2-epimerase. FEBS Letters, 2003, 540(1-3): 47-52. 50. Zhang C, Stratmann A, Block O, Brückner R, Podeschwa M, Altenbach HJ, Wehmeier UF and Piepersberg W*. Biosynthesis of the C7-cyclitol Moiety of Acarbose in Actinoplanes Species SE50110. 7-O-phosphorylation of the initial cyclitol precursor leads to proposal of a new biosynthetic pathway. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2002, 277(25): 22853-22862. 51. Williams GJ, Zhang C, Thorson JS*. Expanding the Promiscuity of A Natural Product Glycosyltransferase by Directed Evolution. Nature Chemical Biology, 2007, 3(10): 657-662. 52. Fu X, Albermann C, Jiang J, Liao J, Zhang C, Thorson JS*. Antibiotic optimization via in vitro glycorandomization. Nature Biotechnology, 2003, 21(12): 1467-1469. 授权专利: 1. 厦霉素A和氧厦霉素的生物合成基因簇及其应用,ZL201210146664.x,张长生,李慧贤,张庆波,李苏梅,朱义广,张光涛,张海波,田新朋,张偲,鞠建华 2. 友菌素的生物合成基因簇及其应用,ZL201210030835.2,张长生,张海波,李苏梅,张改云,张光涛,朱义广,陈瑞东,肖吉,鞠建华 3. 链霉菌和吲哚倍半萜类化合物及其制备方法和在制备抗菌抗肿瘤药物中的应用,ZL201210146953.x,张长生,张庆波,李苏梅,田新朋,张文军,张海波,李惠贤,张偲,鞠建华 4. 一种小单孢菌及利用该菌制备多种抗生素的方法,ZL201210467946.X,张长生,张文军,李苏梅,张海波,张改云,张光涛,朱义广 5. 一种链霉菌及利用该菌发酵制备抗霉素类抗生素的工艺,ZL201010520348.5,张长生,李苏梅,田新朋,牛四文,张文军,鞠建华,张偲 6. 一种链霉菌及利用该菌制备多种抗生素的工艺,ZL201010603179.1,张长生,李苏梅,田新朋,牛四文,鞠建华,张偲 7. 四种台勾霉素类化合物及其制备方法和在制备抗菌药物中的应用,ZL201010526416.9,张长生,李苏梅,肖毅,牛四文,鞠建华 8. 抗生素Pseudonocardian A和B及其制备方法和在制备抗菌、抗肿瘤药物中的应用,ZL201110231993.X,张长生,李苏梅,田新朋,张文军,张海波,张光涛,张偲,鞠建华 9. 抗生素Lobophorin E和F及其制备方法和在制备抗菌、抗肿瘤药物中的应用,ZL201110149558.2,张长生,李苏梅,牛四文,田新朋,张光涛,张海波,张偲,鞠建华 10. 六种台勾霉素类化合物及其制备方法和在制备抗菌药物中的应用,ZL201110104051.5,张长生,牛四文,胡涛,李苏梅,肖毅,马亮,张光涛,张海波,鞠建华 11. 一种假诺卡氏菌及利用其制备Deoxynyboquinone的方法,ZL201110231994.4,张偲,张长生,田新朋,李苏梅,张文军,张海波,张光涛,尹浩,鞠建华 12. 链霉菌、抗肿瘤化合物Spiroindimycin A-D及其制备方法和应用, ZL201210087537.7,张长生,张文军,田新朋,李苏梅,张庆波,马亮,张海波,张偲,鞠建华 13. 台勾霉素的生物合成基因簇及其应用,ZL201010592416.9,张长生,肖毅,李苏梅,牛四文,张光涛,张海波,胡涛,鞠建华 14. 链霉菌、抗肿瘤化合物Spiroindimycin A-D及其制备方法和应用,特许第5826406(PCT国际专利(日本),张长生,张文军,田新朋,李苏梅,张庆波,马亮,张海波,张偲,鞠建华 15. 链霉菌、新化合物及其制备方法和在制备抗菌抗肿瘤药物中的应用, ZL201310180810.5, 张长生,吴正超,李苏梅,李洁,库马.萨乌拉夫,张庆波,张海波,张文军,张偲 16. 一种斑鸠霉素的生物合成基因簇及其应用, ZL201410120626.6, 张长生,张光涛,张文军,张庆波,朱义广,张海波,李苏梅,马亮 17. 抗生素Indimicins A–E及其制备方法和在制备抗肿瘤药物中的应用, ZL201410214540.X,张长生,张文军,马亮,李苏梅,张庆波,张海波,张光涛 18. 抗生素difluostatin A及其制备方法和在制备抗菌药物中的应用,ZL201510650332.9,张长生,张文军,杨春芳,黄春帅,朱义广 19. 新化合物及其制备方法和在制备抗菌抗肿瘤药物中的应用, ZL201510512966.8,张长生,吴正超,李苏梅,李洁,库马.萨乌拉夫,张庆波,张海波,张文军,张偲

  1)国家自然科学基金重点项目:海洋微生物多环大环内酰胺的特殊代谢途径和生物合成机制【31630004】,2017.01.01-2021.12.31 2)国家自然科学基金重点国际(地区)合作项目:海洋放线菌来源非典型角环素的生物合成和酶学机制,2019.01.01-2023.12.31 3)国家自然科学基金面上项目:海洋放线菌环酯肽类新化合物29-13A的生物合成研究【21472203】,2015.01.01-2018.12.31 4)中科院前沿科学重点研究项目:海洋微生物多环天然产物的发现及其成环机制【QYZDJ-SSW-DQC004】,2016.08.01-2021.07.31 5)广东省自然科学基金重点项目:海洋小单孢源Fluostatins的生物合成研究【2015A030308013】,2015.01.01-2018.12.31 6)广东省海洋与渔业局科技推广项目:海洋微生物大环内酰胺的生物合成及医药应用【A201601C03】,2016.06.01-2018.06.01 7)广东省特支计划百千万工程领军人才项目:弗洛他汀生物合成,2015.01.01-2018.12.31 8)中科院万人计划科技创新领军人才项目:南海放线菌分离,2017.01.01-2019.12.31 9)省级促进经济发展专项资金(海洋经济发展用途)项目:海洋微生物非典型角环素类化合物的构效优化与抗肿瘤活性评价,2018

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