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  南海环流与区域、 海洋观测与资料同化技术四个方向 南海和东印度洋环流动力学观测研究



  1.Qu, T., and J. Chen (2009), A North Pacific decadal variability in subduction rate, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L22602, doi:10.1029/2009GL040914.? 2.Ju Chen, Rongyu Chen, Ping Shi and Qiang Xie. Hydrographic Property and its Variation Before-and-After the Summer Monsoon Onset in the Southern South China Sea in 1999. Journal of Geosciences of China (2), 2002. 3.Ju Chen, P. Shi and Yan Du. Intercomparsion of rainfall products in South China Sea and its adjacent areas. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2004, 23(6), 40-51. (in Chinese with English abstract) 4.Ju Chen, P. Shi, D.X. Wang and Y. Du. Spatial distribution and seasonal variability of the rainfall observed from TRMM Precipitation Radar (PR) in the South China Sea Area (SCSA). Advances in Earth Science, 2005, 20(1), 29-35 .(in Chinese with English abstract) 5.Ju Chen, Dongxiao Wang, Ping Shi, Yan Du。A survey of baroclinic tides in the Beibu Bay, South China Sea。ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA。26(4),7-19,2007。 6.Jian Li, Tingting Zu, ……, Ju Chen(通讯作者), Jinglong Yao. Preliminary analysis of the intraseasonal air–sea interaction influenced by Xisha warm eddy. ?Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management , 18(4): 386-393,2015/10. DOI: 10.1080/14634988.2015.1106909. 7.Qiang Wang, Yinxia Wang, ……, Ju Chen(通讯作者). Dynamic of the upper cross-isobath's flow on the northern South China Sea in summer. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, 18(4): 357-366, 2015/10. DOI: 10.1080/14634988.2015.1112124. 8.Yeqiang Shu, Ju Chen et al. Effects of the Pearl River plume on the vertical structure of coastal currents in the Northern South China Sea during summer 2008. Ocean Dynamics, 64(12): 1743-1752, 2014/10. DOI: 10.1007/s10236-014-0779-5. 9.Rui SHI,Ju CHEN and XinYu GUO et al., Ship observations and numerical simulation of the marine atmospheric boundary layer over the spring oceanic front in the northwestern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research,2017.05,122, doi:10.1002/2016JD026071. 10.D. X. Wang, J Chen, R.Y. Chen and P.C. Chu et al.. Hydrographic and circulation characteristics in middle and Southern South China Sea in summer, 2000. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica, 2004, 35(2), 97-109.(in Chinese with English abstract) 11.D. X. Wang, J Chen, Y Du and Z.J. Gan. Linear response of a tropical rectangular basin to buoyancy forcing. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2002, 45(supplement), 75-83.(in Chinese with English abstract) 12.ZENG L.-L. CHEN J., SHI P.. Response of upper ocean salinity to precipitation during summer monsoon. Journal Of Tropical Oceanography, 2007, 26(3), 11-17. (in Chinese with English abstract)

  先后担任院先导专项A、全球变化与海气相互作用专项、国家重大仪器开发专项、973项目、自然科学基金项目等项目、课题、子课题负责人10余项,近五年累计合同总经费超过1.75亿。 院先导专项A:WPOS专项子课题:南海-东印度海洋学综合科学观测(XDA11010502),主要负责WPOS专项项目一南海和东印度洋区块海上观测方案的总体统筹设计,航次方案的制定,仪器设备招标采购、验收和航次实施等工作。WPOS专项子专题:水下滑翔自主观测系统(XDA104010103),主要负责水下滑翔机海试区域选择、海试联合观测、海试数据应用分析等。 全球变化与海气相互作用专项:东印度洋水体调查春季航次子任务:负责南海所承担任务的组织协调,负责南海所承担的水文气象学科的任务组织协调和数据处理工作。东印度洋水体调查夏季航次子任务:负责南海所承担任务的组织协调,负责南海所承担的水文气象学科的任务组织协调和数据处理工作。东印度洋南部水体调查夏季航次子任务:负责2台ARGO的投放和数据分析研究任务。数据集成项目子任务:负责南海区块数据集成、质量控制、数据处理与分析,并完成基础图集和研究报告等编写工作。 国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项子专题:“双频全数字高频海洋探测仪观测资料应用开发研究”(2013YQ16079303),承担其中的仪器现场观测和应用研究开发任务。

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