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  近年来,主要海洋沉积与资源效应、底质声学及探测研究,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项目,三亚崖州湾科技城科研项目1项。在南海自然铝的发现和冷泉碳酸盐岩采集、深水珊瑚研究与洋流作用、沉积物声学特性研究及示范应用方面作出有影响工作,第一或通讯作者在Geophysical Research Letters ,Marine Geology ,Earth Science Informatics等杂志发表论文20余篇,获批授权发明专利1项(第一发明人)、登记软件著作权2项(排名第一)。 






1.Xu A, Hu P, Chen Z*, et al. A software tool to plot frequency and cumulative frequency curves automatically for grain size analysis of sediments[J]. Earth Science Informatics, 2020, 13, 565-571. 

2.Xu A, Chen Z*, Qu Y, et al. Cold-water corals in a cold seep area on the northern continental slopes of the South China sea and their isotopic characteristics[J]. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 2019, 152: 103043. 

3.Tian Y, Chen Z*, Hou Z, et al. Geoacoustic provinces of the northern South China Sea based on sound speed as predicted from sediment grain sizes[J]. Marine Geophysical Research, 2019, 40: 571-579.  

4.Zhong Y, Liu Q, Chen Z*, et al. Tectonic and paleoceanographic conditions during the formation of ferromanganese nodules from the northern South China Sea based on the high-resolution geochemistry, mineralogy and isotopes. Marine Geology, 2019, 410: 146-163. 

5.Hou Z, Chen Z*, Wang J, et al. Acoustic characteristics of seafloor sediments in the abyssal areas of the South China Sea[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2018, 156:93-100. 

6.Zhong Y, Chen Z*, Li L, et al. Bottom water hydrodynamic provinces and transport patterns of the northern South China Sea: Evidence from grain size of the terrigenous sediments. Continental Shelf Research, 2017, 140:11-26. 

7.Zhong Y, Chen Z*, Gonzalez F J, et al. Composition and genesis of ferromanganse deposits from the northern South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2017, 138: 110-128.  

8.Zhong Y, Chen Z*, Li L, et al. Bottom Water hydrodynamic provinces and transport patterns of the northern South China Sea: Evidence from grain size of the terrigenous sediments. Continental Shelf Research, 2017, 140: 11-26. 

9.Zheng XKao SChen Z*, et al. Deepwater circulation variation in the South China Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum. Geophysical Research Letters, 2016, 43: 8590-8599. 

10.Chen Z, Huang C-Y*, Zhao M, et al. Characteristics and possible origin of native aluminum in cold seep sediments from northeastern South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2011, 40: 363-370. 

11.Chen Z*, Huang C, Wu B, et al. Discovery of native aluminum and its possible origin from prospective gas hydrate areas in the South China Sea. Science China Earth Sciences, 2010, 53: 335-344. 

12.Chen Z*,Yan W,Tang X , et al. Magnetic susceptibility in surface sediments in the sourthern South China Sea and its implication for sub-sea methane venting.Journal of Earth Science,2009,20(1):193-204. 

13.Chen Z*, Yan W, Chen M, et al. Discovery of seep carbonate nodules as new evidence of gas venting on the northern continental slope of South China Sea. Chineses Science Bulletin, 2006, 51: 1228 -1237. 

14.陈忠*, 莫爱彬, 赵美霞, . 南海北部冷泉区深水珊瑚的发现及特征. 热带海洋学报,20182764-71. 





1. 国基金面上项目:南海东北部末次盛冰期以来底流演变及其与西太平洋深水洋流变化的响应机制,41676056,主持; 

2. 国基金面上项目:南海东沙海域冷水珊瑚:发育演化阶段、成因模式及其对洋流模态转变的响应 ,41976065,主持; 

3. 三亚崖州湾科技城科研项目:海底底质声学垂直径向测量仪研制及应用示范,主持。

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